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When Does a Job Site Injury Warrant a Job Site Accident Attorney?

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Not all job site injuries require a job site accident attorney. There are times, though, when it is in your best interest to contact an attorney for work-related injuries. For the most part, workers' compensation insurance will handle your medical care, missed time at work, etc. from your job-site injuries. But there are always exceptions and extenuating circumstances to consider. Here's what you need to know about job site injuries and when to consult an attorney for your injuries.

Your Workers' Compensation Claim Is Denied

Insurance companies are famous for denying legitimate claims. After all, they lose money when they pay claims. Many will cite reasons like pre-existing injuries or conditions, that you filed your claim after a deadline, or that your injuries weren't work-related at all. This is a time when you need a job site accident lawyer to represent your interests throughout the appeals process and to present evidence for you at the hearing.

Your Injuries Are Severe and Require Extensive Medical Treatment

These types of injuries often disrupt the quality of life in addition to requiring large piles of medical care and attention. With the rapidly rising costs of health care, it is important to know that your treatments and recovery will be covered. This includes things like occupational rehab, physical therapy, etc. if they are required. You also want to know that your lost salary will be covered, at least in part, while you are recovering. You will also need to consider a job site accident attorney if you are experiencing difficulty getting required treatment due to slow-paying insurance companies or slow approval rates for things like costly surgeries.

You Have Permanent Injuries Related to Your Job Site Injury

If you've been permanently injured due to a work-related injury and are unable to work as a result of your injuries it is worth your while to consult with a job site accident attorney. The consultation only costs a little of your time and may prove quite fruitful when negotiating with the insurance company.

Your Employer Did Not Provide Workers' Compensation Insurance

If your employer does not provide workers' compensation insurance, most states allow employees injured on the job to sue their employers for personal injury. This offers unique benefits that aren't available to people who have workers' compensation insurance, such as the fact that you can then sue for emotional distress related to your injuries (often referred to as "pain and suffering"). You may also be able to sue for punitive damages if your employer's conduct resulted in your job site injuries.

Contact services like Allen Law Group if you need help with your workers' compensation insurance woes as well as uninsured workplace injuries. Make sure you have the representation you need if you've been injured on the job.
